Performance in Perspective

Many investors make hiring decisions based on historical performance. That’s a dangerous practice. We do not think you should base your hiring decisions purely on past returns. No manager can promise matching past returns, consistent outperformance, or investing without downside risk potential. Markets are forward looking, not backward, and you cannot buy past returns. Selling performance is Wall Street’s way of playing to your greed. At Delta, we believe that is not in your best interests, so we do not lead with it.

Our Performance

  • We strive to keep you on pace to meet your financial goals over your portfolio’s time horizon.

  • We do not expect to achieve positive returns every day, month, quarter. or year.

  • The rate of withdrawal from an account can profoundly impact the long‑term success of a portfolio—in some cases, more so than the investment return.

Realistic Expectations

At Delta, we focus on long‑term performance consistent with your investment goals and time horizon. However, we understand investing can be a long and sometimes challenging road.

Periods of increased equity volatility are normal and can occur at any point, even during the most robust bull market years. Delta believes in a balanced approach including both buy‑and‑hold and tactical asset allocation. Tactical allocation involves reducing equity exposure to avoid major bearish markets and may substantially improve performance of the overall portfolio through the full investment cycle. Delta’s tactical strategies follow rules‑based, nonemotional disciplines to determine how best to participate in bullish periods and when to avoid major down markets.

Delta’s holistic approach to designing and managing investment portfolios for clients uses both asset diversification and asset allocation methodology diversification to mitigate risk. We do not believe you should pay your manager to just hold your hand during major market downturns. We do believe in being proactive to help you achieve your financial objectives.

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